Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome Crystal Clifton:     

1    How did you get started writing for children? I wrote my first children’s story in 1997 when I wrote what turned out to be my second published book since last year. Thimble Kisses was my first published and Jefferson the Colorful Caterpillar(written in 1997) was my second and have published a third since.

2  What is your favorite part of the writing process?  Memories because all of my stories have some part of my kids in them.

3   Do you have an illustrator or do your own art? I have an illustrator two in fact with my already published works.

  4.    What would be one thing you would tell writers wanting to write for children? The one thing I tell everyone Always Believe in Your Dreams and Never Give Up, because it may take you a while to get published whether you do it yourself or get a publisher just Never give up.

 5 Please share information about your books and what age group? Thimble Kisses can be for ages pre K and up but actually written for 6 to 9 year olds. Jefferson is an Anti  Bullying book for kids of all ages but primarily elementary aged kids, The Jenny’s Most Horribly Wonderful Birthday is for pre K and up as well. My three year old granddaughter Loves them all and sits through them each time I read them. I have read them to 5th graders who love them equally.

      Book Links
Jefferson -
Jenny's Most Horriby Wonderful Birthday ebook -
Barnes and Noble


  1. Thank you for being our first interview on our new blog. Your books look great.

    Teresa and Roxie
